We have had an issue that the FW version caused the failling of a test. For JS110 1.3.2 it was running, JS110. When we connected a JS220 the recording was empty. After updating the JS220 to:
HW 1.1.0
FW 1.2.1
FPGA 1.2.1
Libs used:
joulescope 1.1.13
pyjls 0.9.4
numpy 1.24.4
pyjoulescope_driver 1.5.2
We would like to check the fw version of the device connected.
For the JS220 we have the solution:
from pyjoulescope_driver import Driver
from pyjoulescope_driver.entry_points.info import version_to_str
def test_js220_fw_version():
txt = []
with Driver() as jsdrv:
device_paths = sorted(jsdrv.device_paths())
for device_path in device_paths:
print(f"device_path: {device_path}")
fw = version_to_str(jsdrv.query(f'{device_path}/c/fw/version'))
hw = version_to_str(jsdrv.query(f'{device_path}/c/hw/version'))
fpga = version_to_str(jsdrv.query(f'{device_path}/s/fpga/version'))
txt.append(f' {device_path}: hw={hw}, fw={fw}, fpga={fpga}')
assert fw == "1.2.1"
assert hw == "1.0.0"
assert fpga == "1.2.1"
for the JS110 we couldn’t figure out the solution.
What would be the solution?