There are certain conditions under which the Joulescope cuts power to my DUT.
The DUT repeatedly advertises through an RF interface to another device, which sometimes responds with a command, changing the state of the DUT. Sometimes when I send a command to the DUT, the Joulescope app will drop the buffered current draw data (lines on the graph disappear), the green light on the joulescope turns off and then, after a few seconds, it turns back on and starts sampling again.
I haven’t seen these RF commands cause a device failure without the Joulescope in-line. If this is just a problem with the Joulescope, I’m not too concerned, but I was wondering under what conditions the Joulescope would behave like this (fault protection?), so that I can rule out problems with the DUT.
I checked the logs and saw these errors:
ERROR:2020-09-17 13:04:43, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
ERROR:2020-09-17 13:27:52, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
ERROR:2020-09-17 13:43:39, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
ERROR:2020-09-17 13:48:48, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
ERROR:2020-09-17 14:04:38, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
ERROR:2020-09-17 14:05:18, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
ERROR:2020-09-17 14:05:49, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
ERROR:2020-09-17 14:06:01, halt 1: transfer callback with status 1
And these warnings:
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:04:43, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:04:43, [control] => -4
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:04:43,
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:04:43, failed 5: usb control transfer failed: 5
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:05:24, [11475080, 11510065] constrained to [11479296, 11510065]
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:05:54, [71457917, 71493066] constrained to [71475456, 71493066]
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:27:52, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:27:52, failed 1: usb control transfer failed: 1
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:31:47, [313634527, 313669676] constrained to [313667616, 313669676]
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:43:39, failed 1: usb control transfer failed: 1
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:43:39, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:48:48, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 13:48:48, failed 1: usb control transfer failed: 1
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:04:38, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:04:38, failed 1: usb control transfer failed: 1
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:05:18, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:05:18, [control] => -4
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:05:18,
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:05:18, failed 5: usb control transfer failed: 5
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:05:49, failed 1: usb control transfer failed: 1
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:05:49, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:06:01, while attempting _stream_settings_send
WARNING:2020-09-17 14:06:01, failed 1: usb control transfer failed: 1
There are others, but I think these are the most relevant to my situation. When I send a command through RF, there is a whole pipeline that I should describe.
- send the command from my PC to a transmitter through USB
- the transmitter sends it through RF to the DUT
The USB device that I am communicating with has an FTDI chip on it. Is this USB device interfering with the joulescope? I am on Ubuntu 18.04 by the way. Also:
Joulescope UI version 0.8.16
Joulescope driver version 0.8.14