Welcome to the Joulescope Forum

The Joulescope forum is the place for discussing anything related to Joulescope. You will find topics about how to use Joulescope effectively including accurately measuring voltage, current, power, and energy measurement, along with tips and tricks. You can also report issues or unexpected behavior while using Joulescope.

We actively monitor this forum with the goal of replying with 1 business day to all posts. We work on US ET (UTC-4 or UTC-5), and often reply much quicker during our business hours.

As of Feb 2025, we now have an AI chatbot that is fully trained on this forum and the Joulescope documentation. Once you log in, click on the chatbot icon:
The chatbot is available and always responsive. Like any AI chatbot, the correctness and quality of answers may vary. If you are unsure about the chatbots responses, please start a topic!