Splitting jls v2 file into multiple

Hi @mliberty
I do this as follow up from Automation of plotting long-term records - #18 by mliberty in a new ticket.
It seems your suggestions are covering jls 1.
I tried to adapt it to jls 2. Here my snipped:

I looked into the code and it looks like it handles jls version 1 only.
I tried:

r = Reader(args.input)
signals = [s for s in r.signals.values() if s.name == ‘current’]
if not len(signals):
log.error(‘“current” signal not found’)
return 1
s = signals[0]
i_old = 0
i= 0
sample_count = s.length
block_size = int(s.sample_rate)
print(f’samples={sample_count}, fs={s.sample_rate}')
block_count = (sample_count + block_size - 1) // block_size
for block in range(block_count):
if (block_count // 1800)==0 or block == 0:
filename = “outfile_jls2_{}.jls”.format(block)
writer = DataRecorder(filename, calibration=None, user_data=r.user_data)
i += 1
offset = block * block_size
offset_next = offset + block_size
if offset_next > sample_count:
offset_next = sample_count
data = range.samples_get(offset, offset_next, ‘samples’)
if i != i_old:
#progress(block, block_count - 1)

I get the error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\lukas.kempf\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\PyCharm-C\ch-0\213.6777.50\plugins\python-ce\helpers\pydev\pydevd.py”, line 1483, in exec
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
File “C:\Users\lukas.kempf\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\PyCharm-C\ch-0\213.6777.50\plugins\python-ce\helpers\pydev_pydev_imps_pydev_execfile.py”, line 18, in execfile
exec(compile(contents+“\n”, file, ‘exec’), glob, loc)
File "C:/code/pyjoulescope_examples
/bin/jls_plot.py", line 834, in
File “C:/code/pyjoulescope_examples_/bin/jls_plot.py”, line 369, in run
writer = DataRecorder(filename, calibration=None, user_data=r.user_data)
File “C:\tools\miniconda3\envs\pyjsui\lib\site-packages\joulescope\data_recorder.py”, line 117, in init
b = json.dumps(user_data).encode(‘utf-8’)
File “C:\tools\miniconda3\envs\pyjsui\lib\json_init_.py”, line 231, in dumps
return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
File “C:\tools\miniconda3\envs\pyjsui\lib\json\encoder.py”, line 199, in encode
chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
File “C:\tools\miniconda3\envs\pyjsui\lib\json\encoder.py”, line 257, in iterencode
return _iterencode(o, 0)
File “C:\tools\miniconda3\envs\pyjsui\lib\json\encoder.py”, line 179, in default
raise TypeError(f’Object of type {o.class.name} ’
TypeError: Object of type builtin_function_or_method is not JSON serializable
Do you have a hint?

Hi @lukGWK

The API for JLS v2 Reader is very different from JLS v1. Also, DataRecorder is JLS v1, not JLS v2.

I am not clear on what you are trying to do. Are you trying to process a JLS v2 file in blocks? Are you trying to extract a snippet of a large JLS v2 file and save it to a smaller JLS v2 file?

With JLS v2 Reader, you probably want to identify the signal(s) of interest, which also returns everything you need to know about the signal. See pyjls.structs.SignalDef which shows the fields you will expect from Reader.signals. You can then call Reader.fsr to get blocks of the signals of interest to process.

I try to record 2MSps for 1 day and split the file which is x*10GB to 1GB files to process it. I had an error when opening the file which was bigger than the amount of RAM available.

Going to the original question, I think that you can fix the crash by not providing user_data to DataRecorder. Reader.user_data is actually a method, so it’s not JSON serializable.

However, I am unsure what the code snippet above has to do with processing sections of data with JLS v2. For example, range is not even defined in the snippet above, so range.samples_get will definitely fail. With JLS v2 Reader, samples_get is not a method.

The JLS v2 Reader does not have a lot of examples yet. You definitely need to be looking at the source code, but it’s pretty simple. You need to use Reader.fsr to get blocks of data. You have to call Reader.fsr once for each signal of interest in each block.

Does this make sense?

I want exactly what you have written in the last sentence. Extract a snippet of a large JLS v2 file and save it to a smaller JLS v2 file.

  • I want to be able to extract from second x to y to a smaller JLS v2 file
  • I want to be able to split a 31GB JLS v2 file into 3*10GB and a 1GB JLS v2 file

Hi @lukGWF - You can easily do this in the Joulescope UI using dual markers. Position the dual markers. Right-click on one of the dual markers, then select Export.

Are you still looking to write a python script for this? JLS files support unaligned data. The first step is to determine the start and end time of the region in UTC time. Do you have a way to do this? Do you need to also analyze the JLS file to determine the regions to extract?

I know I could do it in the UI. But I would appreciate to have a scriptable solution.

I have this method:

def extract_snippet(input_file_path, output_file_path, start_time, end_time):
    Extracts a snippet from a JLS file and saves it to a new file.
    :param input_file_path: Path to the input JLS file
    :param output_file_path: Path to save the output snippet
    :param start_time: Start time of the snippet in seconds
    :param end_time: End time of the snippet in seconds
    # Open the .jls file and extract the snippet
    with Reader(input_file_path) as r:
        signal = r.signal_lookup('current')
        start_idx = start_time * signal.sample_rate
        end_idx = end_time * signal.sample_rate

        data = r.fsr(signal.signal_id, start_idx, end_idx)
        fre = plt.figure()
        ax_i_fre = fre.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        incr = 100
        y = data[: , 0]
        x = np.arange(0, len(y), dtype=np.float64) * (incr / signal.sample_rate)
        ax_i_fre.plot(x, data)

I couldn’t figure out how:

  • to put it back into a jls v2? I was looking in the pyjoulescope_ui exporter.py _run()?
  • to reference using UTC.
  • Do you mean UTC when it was recorded as absolute time?

Hi @lukGWF - I just created a pyjls entry point extract that hopefully does exactly what you want. See the source code at extract.py.

First, you need to update pyjls:

python -m pip install -U pyjls

You can use with relative times like this:

python -m pyjls extract --start 10s --duration 5s .\20240307_141803.jls .\out.jls

Or with absolute times:

python -m pyjls extract --start 20240307T141820Z --stop 20240307T141830Z .\20240307_141803.jls .\out.jls

Does this work for you?