Using Joulescope to test power response of USB Hub

Hi all - I recently used my Joulescope to characterize the load response of a Programmable USB Hub that I’m bringing to market and Matt suggested I post here about it.

The test included loads between 100 mA and 2,400 mA and measured both Port Voltage (after losses in the Hub’s internal port protection & switching) and Bus Voltage (internal bus which feeds the protection & control circuit for each port).

Information about the test setup and results are in this Crowd Supply campaign update:

For this post I grabbed screen shots of the UI, but for future work am planning on extending my Python-based test automation software (which is controlling the DC Loads and also getting data from the USB Hub) to configure Joulescope & log data directly.

More information about the USB Hub is available on the campaign page. It features software-controlled data line disconnects, per-port power control & monitoring, 6A of 5V regulation, I2C / SPI / GPIO bridging, and open source CircuitPython drivers.


Thanks @osterwood for sharing how you’ve been using Joulescope! Congrats on the successful campaign. I look forward to getting my Programmable USB hub early next year!

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