A belated review and some suggestions

Hi @JuliaTruchsess - Great to hear that you are liking your Joulescope, and thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback!

We have received a bunch of feedback on improving Preferences in the Joulescope UI, and this is our next scheduled major feature improvement. james-dm submitted Issue #28 yesterday with the exact same request for the min/max lines. Instead of a button, it will likely be a right-click context menu item on the waveform view. Does that work for you?

We also want to have more intuitive persistence of preferences and the ability to automatically restart the Joulescope UI in the same state as where you left it last. We also will be adding font customization and statistics customization.

The Joulescope UI does display charge in Ah at the bottom right of the multimeter view, but we do not have an option in the oscilloscope view. We will be able to add this when we add customization of statistics. Having a battery calculation tool is definitely on the list, but is further down in our current priority. We’ll get there!

I hear you on the long-term measurements. The reliability and recovery requirements for long-term data collection is at odds with easy-to-use, auto-everything normal UI operation, which is why it’s separate now. We currently envision a new ToolsLong-Term Data Collection that would force the Joulescope software to start in a different mode, which allows for recovery on power outages, host computer reboots, etc. The new tool would have some way to stop the long-term data collection and return to normal operation. What do you think?