Exporting data and session

Hi all,

iam a new user , facing an issue as below :

after checking the wave forms of voltage, current, power , i have exported all data & saved.
but when i open the session later, i could not get the complete session, only the session which was on front available.

how to save entire sesssion without loss , pls suggest


Hi @NGS and welcome to the Joulescope forum!

I am not sure that I understand what you are asking. I think that you want to record data for longer that what is displayed on the screen. Have you tried the record button on the sidebar?

Press once to start the recording. Press again to stop the recording. In the Joulescope UI, you can then select ViewFile and FileOpen to view the file. You can also double click on on the file under Windows File Explorer.

Does this do what you want?

@mliberty thanks for the suggestion, i am able to record the complete session now.

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