Feature request: keep window on top


I have a fairly simple request; it would be good if there was some sort of toggle to keep the joulescope UI window on top of all other windows. I particularly would find this useful for the multimeter view.


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Hi @jeremyherbert! Welcome to the Joulescope forum and thanks for the suggestion.

This does seem really simple to implement:

setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);

I added issue #138 over on GitHub.

We are not planning a UI release in the near future, but this should make it into the next release. Thanks again for the suggestion!

We added this feature in Joulescope UI 0.9.11.

Qt goes unstable on Windows if this flag is applied after opening the main window. For this reason, the setting only takes effect when you restart the UI. You can find it in the Preferences:

Please comment below if you run into any issues!