I’m having trouble getting the GPIO’s to show up in the UI and when they do - there’s no way to adjust the scaling or zero point. I thus can see when it’s low, but when it’s high…
Hi @g.mtl - It appears that your Joulescope UI instance is somehow in manually ranging mode on GPI 1. The UI is designed to prevent this, but something must have been confused.
Do you know what actions you took to get to this point? I would like to duplicate this if possible. We test for this. I also just tried a bunch of random actions, and I could not get this to happen.
If you don’t care much about your configuration, the quickest way to fix this is to select File → Clear config and exit, restart the UI, enable the GPI in Device Control, select View → Oscilloscope, and then enable the GPI. Does this fix it for you?
Closing and reopening the UI did nothing towards fixing the problem.
I do care about my configuration, but you’re last suggestion fixed the problem. In hindsight it probably would have made sense to stash the current configuration somewhere before wiping it out.
Thanks for your help.